Automated Clock In / Clockout

Auto Punch based on Shift

This feature enables employees to have time punches created automatically based on start and end time of the shifts. The time punches will automatically be generated for scheduled shifts assigned to employees.

How to Create Shift Auto Punch for Employees ?

Step -1: Timezone Settings - The Timezone has to be defined in accordance to paycycle period. The timepunches will automatically be created based on the start- and end-time of shift.

Dashboard > Settings > Default Timezone

Step- 2 : Defining Custom Tag- The Custom Attendance tags should be defined for Employees in order enable Auto punch.

Dashboard > Settings > Customfields

Enter(Add new if not exists) Custom Fields

Code = SHIFT_AUTO_PUNCH Name = Shift Auto PunchType = DropdownValue = Yes,No

Step - 3 : Enabling Auto punch - The predefined Custom Attendance tags should be enabled for employees who has assigned with specific paycycle and shifts.

  • Dashboard>Employee>Employee Edit >Employee Tag>Shift Auto Punch>Yes

  • Dashboard>Employee>Employee Edit >Employment Information>Select Paycycle

Step - 4 : Assign shift to employee

  • Create shift first => Dashboard > Settings > Shift

  • Assign shift either from employee edit section or from scheduling tool