Digital Learning Days

What are digital Learning Days and why do we need them?

Weather related cancellations cause a loss of critical instructional time. Anytime we have an interruption of instruction time, we also lose classroom momentum and student academic focus. Therefore, more school districts across the nation are adopting digital learning days in place of school cancellations.

How does it work?

Instead of losing an entire day of classroom activities, all lessons and course work are conducted virtually with online tools and apps (Learning Management Systems (LMS) such as Google Classroom, Canvas, Schoology, etc.). Teachers are expected to provide assignments related to the curriculum (“busy work” is not acceptable) in the morning, before 10:00am.

When is the classwork due?

All classwork is due by 11:59 pm on the same day via LMS.

How is attendance determined?

Returned classwork counts toward the student’s attendance. Teachers may include this work in their grading. Students who do not complete their digital day assignments will generate an unexcused absence.