Taxonomic Assays

The taxonomic changes that have occurred and continue to occur in the Phylum Glomeromycota in recent years, especially after the use of genetic characters, resulted in proposals for new taxa, the transfer of species from one genus to another, and proposals for classification. These changes can cause some frustration for those who do not work directly with AMF taxonomy and can often find it difficult to make an adequate judgment if the changes proposed were based on sufficient evidence. The texts below are mainly aimed at these colleagues.

On the pages below I will take the freedom of writing in a casually, freely, informally way and with a pinch of irony, some essays to try to clarify some of these proposed changes. The text will exclusively reflect my opinion on what was published, my point of view on the proposed taxonomic change, its evidence (or the lack of it) and it should in no way be interpreted as a personal critic to the authors, but only and exclusively of the work published.

Good reading and enjoy!

Sidney L. Stürmer