Taxonomy Workshops

Workshops on Taxonomy and Cultivation of Glomeromycota, promoted by the CICG, have been offered since 2010 to the academic community and always take place in the first half of December. The objectives of this course are to present and discuss the subcellular characters of AMF spores that must be observed for morphological specie identification and to demonstrate the methods used in the CICG to establish pure cultures, trap cultures, and other methods inherent to the study of the arbuscular mycorrhizal association.

V Curso de Taxonomia e Cultivo de Glomeromycota (2015)

IV Curso de Taxonomia e Cultivo de Glomeromycota (2014)

III Curso de Taxonomia e Cultivo de Glomeromycota (2012)

II Curso de Taxonomia e Cultivo de Glomeromycota (2011)

I Curso de Taxonomia e Cultivo de Glomeromycota (2010)