Lab Team

Sidney L. Stürmer

Sidney's Page - here is the full story !

Karl Kemmelmeier

From an early age, the observation of living beings arouses immense investigative curiosity in me. I am interested in the science of phylogenetic systematics, and when I started Biological Sciences as undergraduate student at FURB in 2008, I was determined to study more deeply the phylogeny of some group of organisms. I got to know and started to study arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in May 2009, with an assistantship for scientific initiation. I have an undergraduate major in Biological Sciences (FURB) and Master in Soil Science (UFLA), and I work in research with an emphasis on diversity, cultivation and taxonomy of AMF. I like to travel, take long walks contemplating landscapes and their components, and to rest on the rocky shores of the beautiful beaches of Santa Catarina. I also like scientific literature and some subgenres of speculative fiction. My musical taste is very diversified, however, traditional music (e.g. German folk music and nativist music), medieval music, polka, schlager, some rock and "brega" deserve special mention. I also appreciate taking the time to taste good food (e.g. hackepeter, rollmops) and good drink (e.g. bier, schnaps), alone (when I assume my hermit alter ego), or in good company.


Morgana Montibeler

I am an academic of the undergraduate course in Biological Sciences at the Universidade Regional de Blumenau - FURB. Currently, I work as a teaching assistant at the Botany Laboratory, where I help teachers during classes and students when necessary. I carry out my research for my final monograph at the Mycorrhizae Laboratory, investigating the influence of soil pH on the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) community. Previously, I worked with a Scientific Initiation Scholarship (PIBIC / CNPq), also at the Mycorrhizae Laboratory, where I developed research with functional diversity and intra and interspecific AMF variability. I have as a hobby the passion for science fiction series and books, besides taking care of my Instagram page about sustainable products (@meumundoecoo).


Caroline Krug Vieira

I am a Biologist with a Master in Environmental Engineering. My M.Sc. thesis was with AMF and metabarcoding in an area impacted by iron mining and native areas around it. I am currently a doctoral student in Environmental Engineering and my dissertation project  is "Interaction between Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and communities of prokaryotes, and indicators of soil quality in an area impacted by coal mining". I have as hobbies the practice of sports (functional training and dance), hiking, reading (mainly Marian Keyes, Agatha Christie, Dan Brown and J. R. R. Tolkien) and watching series and films (especially those produced by Tim Burton).


Tamiris Marandola

I am an academic of the undergraduate course in Biological Sciences at the Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB). I am currently a Scientific Initiation Scholarship Holder (PIBIC / FURB) at the Laboratory of Mycorrhizae, where I develop research with the theme "Effect of the species richness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on physical and biological attributes of the soil in areas impacted by coal mining". I have as hobbies the practice of sports, as functional training and running. I also love reading books and watching series and movies; my favorite film is The Chronicles of Narnia and my favorite series is Anne With an E. I also love to travel and see new places.


Lidia Klestadt Laurindo

I started a degree in Agronomy at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina in 2018 and I developed an interest in the area of ​​Soil Biology and Ecology. The following year, I started as a Scientific Initiation Scholarship Holder at the Ecology laboratory, where I studied the influence of tree species on the diversity of soil fauna in agroforestry systems (SAFs). In the same year, I also started projects involving the characterization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and nematodes in several areas such as native and exotic forest plantations, areas under restoration, agricultural areas and SAFs. These studies lasted throughout all five years of my undergraduation and allowed me additional experiences in different laboratories at the University, such as Plant Anatomy, Genetics and Forest Resources. Having already decided that I would pursue studies involving AMF, I carried out a brief project involving co-inoculation of bacteria and AMF in the Microbiology laboratory. Finally, I finished my degree with an internship at a company that produces biological fertilizers and it is pioneer in Natural Agriculture in Brazil. Currently, I am purchasing a Master's degree in Biodiversity, at Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB), and my research project is on mycorrhizal traits of the Claroideoglomeraceae family. The continuity in my studies was due to the admiration of the academic world and the dream of one day being able to teach on topics that I learned (and still learning), involving Agricultural and Biological Sciences. Outside the academic world, I seek to perfect the habit of reading, Colleen Hoover being one of my favorite authors!


Felipe Zimmerman

I am an undergraduate student of Biological Sciences at the Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB). Always in search of new knowledge, I am having the opportunity to study this very curious group of fungi, the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. I have an scholarship funded by the FUMDES / Artigo-171 Program, and my research project is on morphological and molecular taxonomy of some species of Acaulospora that look alike morphologicaly. I like to reconcile nature with the practice of sports, such as beach soccer, rock climbing and surfing. 

Besides that, I like to read good books and articles on fungi and plants, organisms that I admire and that interest me a lot.
