Schüssler & Walker (2010)

The classification proposed by Schüssler & Walker (2010) was also based on genetic characters covering the small ribosomal RNA unit (SSU), the largest subunit (LSU) as well as the ITS region. The classification was published as a PDF file and presented on a website ( The proposal was characterized by the rearrangement of species of the genus Glomusand the proposal of new families. In this classification, some species were referred to as “of uncertain position” since many of them are not found in pure or mixed cultures, and thus, cannot be evaluated by genetic characters to determine their phylogenetic position.

Classification by Walker & Schüssler (2010)

Phylum: Glomeromycota

Class: Glomeromycetes

Order: Glomerales

Family: Glomeraceae

Genera: Glomus, Funneliformis, Sclerocystis, Rhizophagus

Family: Claroideoglomeraceae

Genus: Claroideoglomus

Order: Diversisporales

Family: Gigasporaceae

Genera: Gigaspora, Racocetra, Scutellospora

Family: Acaulosporaceae

Genus: Acaulospora

Family: Entrophosporaceae

Genus: Entrophospora

Family: Pacisporaceae

Genus: Pacispora

Family: Diversisporaceae

Genera: Diversispora, Otospora, Redeckera

Order: Paraglomerales

Family: Paraglomeraceae

Genus: Paraglomus

Order: Archaeosporales

Family: Archaeosporaceae

Genus: Archaeospora

Family: Ambisporaceae

Genus: Ambisporaceae

Family: Geosiphonaceae

Genus: Geosiphon


Schüßler A, Walker C (2010) The Glomeromycota: a species list with new families and genera. Arthur Schüßler & Christopher Walker, Gloucester. Published in December 2010 in libraries at The Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh, The Royal Botanic Garden Kew, Botanische Staatssammlung Munich, and Oregon State University. Electronic version freely available online at www.amf-phylogeny. com