Redecker et al. (2013)

The classification presented by Redecker et al. (2013) resulted from a working group composed of taxonomists and systematists with extensive experience in the study of the biology and taxonomy of AMF. These authors recognized that some taxa proposed in previous classifications were problematic and not necessarily well supported by evidences. Thus, after a thorough analysis of the available evidence, a consensus classification was proposed intended to have a biological meaning for the scientific community.

Classification by Redecker et al. (2013)

Phylum: Glomeromycota

Class: Glomeromycetes

Order: Glomerales

Family: Glomeraceae

Genera: Glomus, Funneliformis, Rhizophagus, Sclerocystis, Septoglomus

Family: Claroideoglomeraceae

Genus: Claroideoglomus

Order: Diversisporales

Family: Gigasporaceae

Genera: Gigaspora, Racocetra, Cetraspora, Dentiscutata, Scutellospora, Intraornatospora*, Paradentiscutata*

Family: Acaulosporaceae

Genus: Acaulospora

Family: Sacculosporaceae*

Genus: Sacculospora*

Family: Pacisporaceae

Genus: Pacispora

Family: Diversisporaceae

Genera: Diversispora, Redeckera, Otospora*, Corymbiglomus*, Tricispora*

Order: Paraglomerales

Family: Paraglomeraceae

Genus: Paraglomus

Order: Archaeosporales

Family: Archaeosporaceae

Genus: Archaeospora

Family: Ambisporaceae

Genus: Ambispora

Family: Geosiphonaceae

Genus: Geosiphon

* Taxa with not enough evidence to be proposed, but no formal action taken on publication.


Redecker D, Schüssler A, Stockinger H, Stürmer SL, Morton JB & Walker C (2013). An evidence-based consensus for the classification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomeromycota). Mycorrhiza 23:515-531.