가상현실 활용 교육
3D 파일 확장자 변환 사이트 - https://anyconv.com/
3D 내 아바타 만들기 - https://readyplayer.me/
증상현실로 만드는 3D 큐브 - https://size.link/
VR활용 교육에 대한 지속적 포스팅 - VRschoolresearch.com
가상 박물관 - https://www.virtualgallery.com/galleries , https://www.artsteps.com/
VR 자료 모음 (2018. 8). - http://blog.discoveryeducation.com/blog/2017/08/01/augmentedreality/
Dreams of Dali: 360º Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1eLeIocAcU
Augmented and Virtual Reality Development - https://youtu.be/vZUXMjd3wAM
순천만 VR 웹GL - http://thevr.co.kr/thevr_360image/suncheon/index.html
OpenSimulator Community Conference 2015 - https://bit.ly/2Tj2c8h
10 eye-opening ways virtual reality is being used (besides gaming) - https://mashable.com/2016/01/25/uses-virtual-reality-tech/#lcNquHmScuqZ
VR 역사 - https://www.facebook.com/notes/bairn-art/all-about-virtual-reality-vr-at-one-place/154550891588980
버킹엄 궁전, 그레이트 배리어 리프로 떠나는 수학여행 - https://korea.googleblog.com/2016/01/blog-post_26.html
When Virtual Reality Meets Education - http://techcrunch.com/2016/01/23/when-virtual-reality-meets-education/?ncid=tcdaily
This Guy Just Spent 48 Hours in Virtual Reality - https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/3d5jxb/48-hours-in-vr
다양한 HMD - https://www.hypergridbusiness.com/faq/best-virtual-reality-headsets/
Grandma Tries VR for the First Time - https://youtu.be/SiVWhYZUjpQ
a-ha - Take On Me (Official Video) - https://youtu.be/djV11Xbc914
An illustrated guide to the history of VR [Infographic]- http://uploadvr.com/an-illustrated-guide-to-the-history-of-vr-infographic/
Life-size 3D Video Avatars - https://youtu.be/VJ9Ih-49O3o
홀로그램 메이커 Hologram Maker - Google Play의 Android 앱 - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nahunhee.hologram_maker
New i3DG Hologram for Smartphones and Tablets - https://youtu.be/2PH_WpO0_Io
데이빗 켈리: 창의적인 자신감을 얻는 방법에 관하여 | TED Talk | TED.com - https://youtu.be/GSbkn6mCfXE
What Is Magic Leap, And Why Is It Worth $500M? - https://youtu.be/hvAer3EhCe4
Just another day in the office at Magic Leap - https://youtu.be/kPMHcanq0xM
sinewave.space Teaser - August 2015 - YouTube - https://youtu.be/SsR_n4WVzT4
AR making - http://hyperspaces.inglobetechnologies.com/
CD케이스로 만드는 '스마트폰 3D 홀로그램' - https://www.wikitree.co.kr/articles/228013?ref=m.facebook.com
[VR 체험 자료] Eve Online VR Video - https://youtu.be/tctGKL5RO_U (VR우주 공상과학 여행)
[VR 수업 도입 영상] What is Virtual Reality? #VRisComing - https://youtu.be/eHy90mzN3XI
전세계 VR 주소 모음_The best Virtual Reality bookmarks - http://www.vrfavs.com/
[VR 단체 서바이벌 게임] Zero Latency VR - Crazy Multiplaye - https://youtu.be/xabOf8ut2IA
Army to expand use of virtual tools, augmented reality for training - https://defensesystems.com/Articles/2014/01/22/Army-NIE-virtual-augmented-reality.aspx
World Machine tutorial: Creating Terrain Texturing - https://tutorials.cgrecord.net/2015/07/world-machine-tutorial-creating-terrain.html
[에어젤리 드론] Festo AirJelly at the EPFL robotics fest - https://youtu.be/OxVf9QY_TFs
The Future of Minecraft: Oculus Rift, Motion Controls, and More - https://www.ign.com/articles/2015/04/20/the-future-of-minecraft-vr-motion-controls-and-more
Top 5: VR Accessories To Be Excited About - https://youtu.be/WBoZKBqhA-w
GTA 5 IN VIRTUAL REALITY (GTA 5 Oculus Rift) - https://youtu.be/sqnkP8rEZyk
Quale social media per la moda virtuale? - http://www.mondivirtuali.it/2015/06/27/quale-social-media-per-la-moda-virtuale/
Coolest Telepresence! Live Hologram Singers - https://youtu.be/Wl9og1O3onQ
NASA Testing Project Sidekick - YouTube - https://youtu.be/S1IS8Kbzxos
HP Zvr Virtual Reality Display: The Ultimate Teach - https://youtu.be/QChgVFOLa_s
Innovative performances (Fully Holographic Concert) - https://youtu.be/xWnAIsNYwEs
Dexmo: an exoskeleton for you to touch the digital - https://youtu.be/TPW5OKoc7dQ
Stephen Hawking appeared at The Sydney Opera House - http://www.sciencealert.com/stephen-hawking-appeared-at-the-sydney-opera-house-via-hologram-makes-star-trek-exit
An Evening with Stephen Hawking - Behind the Scene - https://youtu.be/Vc3OL6JtPoI
Second Life Creator Linden Lab Prepares To Test Parallel VR Universe - http://www.xconomy.com/san-francisco/2015/06/25/second-life-creator-linden-lab-prepares-to-test-parallel-vr-universe/
Medical Holography - http://www.realviewimaging.com/
3D Hologram Meetings? Unbelievable Real Telepresen - https://youtu.be/jAIDXzv_fKA
webGL 기반 - https://patches.vizor.io/
webGL 기반 - https://www.beloola.com/
섬뜩한 눈알이 나오는 웹GL미로게임 - https://www.marciot.com/mazewar-vr/
웹GL 게임 플랫폼 - https://constructarca.de/
게더 타운 메타버스식 플랫폼 - https://gather.town/
게더 타운 메타버스 체험 - https://gather.town/ (무료 10명으로 변경)
우리 반 게더 타운 - https://gather.town/i/yOGQOfFM
미스테리 맨션 - https://gather.town/app/4gf4tvkankojz5VX/msmansion
잊혀진 곳 모험 - https://gather.town/app/vVCct1v4PhiUbGCO/adventures
게더 게임방 - https://gather.town/app/25OsyUACukFNvICO/gather_games
식물원 - https://gather.town/app/nMXD8ZOI9hRAOxFg/botanical_garden
지하감옥 탈출 - https://gather.town/app/OsvnuqwkmduEQ1to/dungeon_escape
VR활용 교육 툴
코스페이시스EDU - 경복궁 VR 체험 - https://edu.cospaces.io/GAG-TYN
경복궁 360 뷰 체험 - https://goo.gl/maps/nxLh46w5xejsiAzh8
모질라허브 아바타 만들기 - https://mozilla.github.io/hackweek-avatar-maker/
레디 플레이어 미 아바타 만들기 - https://vr.readyplayer.me/avatar
자신의 아바타를 스마트폰으로 간단히 만들자 - https://readyplayer.me/
화성 스마트폰 VR로 쉽게 여행하자 - https://accessmars.withgoogle.com/
실시간 위성 보기 - https://satellitemap.space/#
실시간 기상 위성 위성 보기 - https://zoom.earth/
내 주변 인공위성 보기 - https://james.darpinian.com/satellites/
구글 아트앤 컬처 앱 (설치) - https://bit.ly/3xvHc05
구글 아트앤 컬처 미술 놀이 - https://experiments.withgoogle.com/collection/play-with-arts
드로 투 아트 로 작품 찾기 - https://artsexperiments.withgoogle.com/draw-to-art
마이리틀포레스트 - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gamepub.gd.g&hl=ko&gl=US
스노우앱 이펙트 카툰 디즈니 효과 - https://bit.ly/3ddGOuS
멀지 큐브 홀로 글로브 앱 활용 지구 느끼기 - https://bit.ly/3IdC6LK
국제우주정거장에서 본 지구 실시간 - https://youtu.be/u-ngXpZKHvI
Gartic Phone 옮겨 말하기 - https://garticphone.com/ko
국가공간정보포탈지도 - http://www.nsdi.go.kr/lxmap/index.do#
Vworld WebGL 기반 지도 - https://map.vworld.kr/map/ws3dmap.do (독도)
사이버스 사이버폭력예방 메타버스 - www.cyverse.kr
피라미드 둘러보기 - https://giza.mused.org/en/guided/266/inside-the-great-pyramid
그림을 애니메이션으로 만들기 - https://sketch.metademolab.com/