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July 2024

Celebrating the 2023/2024 year (July 1 to June 30) at Cheam and Sutton Rotary, we have been reflecting on all that we have done in the local community and for other good causes around the world:

-Banstead Fair participation

-President’s Fundraising BBQ

-ECO Fair participation

-100th year Centenary Street Exhibition -  “100 years  of Rotary in Sutton”

-Street collection for Disaster Relief (Libya and Morocco)

-End Polio Now fundraising Dinner  

-Centenary Dinner (celebratory)

-Remembrance Sunday participation

-Santa Sleigh rounds (18 nights)

-Mulled Wine and Mince Pie stand at Cheam Traders Evening (Raised funds for Crisis and Salvation Army)

Xmas Winter Fayre participation

-Supermarket collections (at 2 locations)

-Presentation of Santa Sleigh’s Funds to participating local charities and community groups.

-Annual Quiz for Youth charities (Raised funds for Sutton Young Carers)

-Young Environmentalist Competition (Our local winner went on to win both the District level and the national level).

-Support to Robin Hood School Science Team (provided for transport for finals at Oxford)

-Food Waste Prevention awareness

-Support of Bipolar Day 

-Bipolar talk to raise awareness

-International Fundraising Meal (for Sand Dams)

-Big Bash participation

-Cheam Charter Fair participation

-Participation in Banstead Charity Walk 

-Defibrillator purchased for St. Dunstan’s Church and Friendly Monday Club

(Trainings will be given in July on how to use the Defibrillator)

-T-shirts supplied to Ukrainian community for the children who take special English lessons.

- Presentation evening for President’s charities (Sutton Mental Health Foundation and Bipolar UK)

- Bi monthly Litter Picking at Cheam Memorial Garden

-Sutton Lodge volunteering

-Monthly Friends Drop-in meetings

-Monthly newsletters for Club members 

-Monthly newsletter for Friends.

-Planned strategies for Corporate and Community memberships (on-going project)

...and of course the social aspects of the club - our get together meals, participation in District Sports, Club meetings etc

March 2024

Saturday 30th March - World Bipolar Day

Rotary and Sutton Mental Health Foundation (SMHF) held a free Bipolar Open Day. A number of individuals with Bipolar who are supported by SMHF were there to talk about their experience of living with Bipolar together with leaflets and on-line information from Bipolar UK. 

18th - 24th March - Food Waste Prevention Week

We joined the awareness raising activities with our Food Waste Prevention Alphabet.

February 2024

Litter-picking at Cheam Memorial Garden

Our Club runs the Friends of Cheam Memorial Garden. Every couple of months we organise litter-picking at the Memorial Garden (next to Cheam Library) and welcome new pickers to join us. Keep an eye on the calendar for news of our next date!

Annual Quiz

In February we had our popular Quiz. As usual Sutton Grammar School was very accommodating, with over 100 people attending. Participants answered, or tried to answer (!),  Gary's diverse questions over 10 rounds. They were sustained with Fish & Chips (and other choices) half way through, and a variety of drinks that they brought along to enjoy together.

This very successful event raised over £1,200 for Sutton Young Carers. 

Celebrating Fundraising with Our Partners

This month we made a formal presentation to all of the groups who collected with us on the float, to mark the distribution of all the funds raised. Each group talked about the amazing activities these Rotary funds will be supporting:


January 2024

We started our festivities in December with the Cheam Christmas Fair on 1st December where we sold our renowned mulled wine, with mince pies, lucky dip and gingerbread decorating.

The following day we were at the Winter Fayre, at Yourspace Sutton selling all sorts of crafts made by our volunteers.

Our Santa float visited the streets of Sutton over 18 nights. Many thanks to all of our followers who enjoyed seeing Santa and donated so generously.

November 2023

Centenary celebrations continued with our celebration dinner at Cuddington Golf Club with guests Eve Conway (RI Director), Annemarie Van Bochove Allen (District Governor). Entertainment was provided by Theo the Magician!

The following day we were represented by our President Suzan at the civic ceremony at Manor Park and Alan laid the wreath at Cheam Memorial Garden.

October 2023

We held our Curry Night fundraiser at the Star in Cheam on October 23rd. Good food for a good cause!

September 2023

We held our street collection on Saturday 30th September in Sutton High Street (near Metro Bank) to raise funds in support of  Morocco and Libya.

These two disasters have seen thousands of lives lost and people missing and will require a great deal of international help to provide both food, shelter, and safe drinking water. Rotary plays a part helping those in urgent need in the most effective way by working with Rotary-related charities as well as Rotarians in or connected to the affected areas, to establish the real needs and the best way we can direct funds.

We have also launched our JustGiving campaign to raise much-needed funds (see Appeals). 

This year is the centenary of Rotary in Sutton and we put together an exhibition of photos and information drawn from our many activities over the years. The Centenary Exhibition was jointly organised by the 4 Rotary Clubs in the Sutton Borough: our Club Cheam & Sutton Rotary, joined by the Rotary Clubs of Carshalton Park, Sutton Nonsuch and Wallington.

The exhibition took place on Sutton High Street during September. We had many visitors interested to see what we've been up to, including our Mayor of Sutton, Councillor Colin Stears.

August 2023

We were once again at the Carshalton EcoFair on Bank Holiday Monday on August 28th with our Hoopla, Pick-A-Peg, Splat the Rat, Craft Stalls and Soft Toy Tombola. It was a really successful event run by EcoLocal, and many people came along to try out our games and the Soft Toy Tombola!

Social Media

Our Social Media channels are the place to go for frequent updates on what we do during the year.  In the run up the Xmas our Santa's Sleigh pages gives daily or more updates of what we are doing and where.  

Rotary's Vision - "Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves." 

About Cheam and Sutton Rotary

It is amazing what we can accomplish when hearts and minds work together. Rotary Clubs consist of members from different countries, cultures, and occupations and these leaders of society are taking action to enhance health, empower youth, promote peace, and advance their community, all round the world. 

Our membership is made up of active, enthusiastic men and women of all ages and backgrounds who, by combining their skills and resources, make a real contribution to the lives of others both locally and internationally. 

Cheam and Sutton Rotary traditionally meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month sometimes with a light meal from 7:30pm.  Other activities may take place on some 4th or 5th Tuesdays of the month and may include get togethers, activities or special meals.  

Cheam and Sutton Rotary is a part of Rotary International, a worldwide organisation founded over 110 years ago, based on the principles of friendship, service to the community and the promotion of peace and international understanding. 

As a result of Cheam and Sutton Clubs deciding to merge in 2016, Cheam and Sutton Rotary is a new club with a long history. Sutton Rotary dates back to 1923 and gave birth to Cheam Rotary in 1955.  Both clubs have supported many local charities over the years of their existence and they have now merged for a wider footprint in the community. 

During December, every year, our Santa Float brings seasonal cheer and joy to the streets of Cheam, Sutton and Worcester Park. Our Mulled Wine and Mince Pie Evenings are popular events and fundraisers during Cheam and Worcester Park’s Christmas Evenings. 

We also raise funds by collecting outside local supermarkets. We are grateful to Morrisons and Sainsbury’s in Sutton and North Cheam for giving us this opportunity, all of which have been donated to local charities. 

Throughout the summer we take our popular Hoopla stall, Environmental Craft stall and other games to fairs and fetes around the Borough, which bring a lot of fun as well as raising funds for local charities. 

If you would like to learn more about us or are interested in joining in, then please use the link to contact us. Come to one of our meetings to discover more.