CGM Research Group

Cosmology - Gravity - Magnetohydrodynamics

This Research Group, coordinated by Prof. Giovanni Montani, is mainly based at the Physics Department of "La Sapienza'', University of Rome (Group Cosm1) and composed of about ten young researchers, undergraduate students, Graduate and PhD or Post-Doctoral fellows.

The research interests of the CGM-Group are in Primordial Cosmology, General Relativity, Modified and Quantum Theories of Gravity and eventually in Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas.

The main goals pursued by the research activities, developed in the CGM-Group, concern the construction of a coherent picture for the origin and evolution of the Primordial Universe, with particular attention to the resolution of the Big-Bang singularity, the determination of a classical limit for the cosmological dynamics and the emergence of a reliable model for the formation and evolution of large scale structures.

About the studies in Plasma Physics, more information can be found on the webpage of the PLUS Collaboration: .

Explore our Research Areas here: 

Find the list of the group members here:

We acknowledge funding from the following institutions:

 If you are a Physics / Astronomy&Astrophysics student and you feel interested in the mentioned topics, please consider our thesis proposals: 

The image here is a composition of cosmological and plasma objects, which are topics of study of the CGM Research group.