Cutover Processes

Cutover is a process through which key pieces of information about admitted patients are entered into Connect Care prior to launch. Cutover includes both technical and clinical elements. The primary concern for prescribers will be the management of medication and non-medication orders, and the translation of important information about patients’ clinical status from a paper record to an electronic one. 

Prescriber Cutover Tasks

Prescribers facilitate six key tasks as part of cutover processes (dates are specific to Launch 9): 

Pre-Launch (Long-Term Care [LTC]/Designated Supportive Living [DSL]: September 3–23, 2024; Post-Acute: October 23November 1, 2024)

Reminder: All team members should be logged out of the legacy and Connect Care systems by November 1 at 23:30, and remain out of the system until November 2 at 05:00. Being logged in during this time can interfere with the Connect Care launch. Netcare is available during this time.

Post-Launch (November 2, 2024)

The following resources can help prescribers understand and participate in cutover activities, which can vary by launch wave and by level of care (e.g., continuing care vs. post-acute care):

Optional Pre-cutover Problem List Reconciliation

For those planning to pre-document problem lists for complex patients who are anticipated to continue in hospital post-launch:

Legacy Clinical Document Access

Some clinical documents stored in prior (legacy) paper or digital records may be scanned or copied and attached to the new Connect Care record at cutover. These may include exceptional care plans, chronic disease management plans, transfer summaries or other documents important to ongoing patient care.

Clinical documentation added to the Connect Care record at cutover can be found using the "Chart Review" activity within a patient chart opened in Hyperspace. Within the Chart Review "Media" tab, look for entries where:

It is possible to use the Chart Review media tab "filter" function to restrict the view to only those documents with "Cutover" in the row description. It is also possible to use the global chart search function using the keyword "cutover" to find this content.