Cancer Care Alberta (CCA) Supports

As of Launch 5, the provincial program Cancer Care Alberta (CCA) is on Connect Care. This section provides essential information for CCA prescribers.

Optimization Training for CCA Prescribers (click to expand/collapse)

Optimization training explores workflow improvements that can increase user productivity and satisfaction post-launch. The Chief Medical Information Office (CMIO) has developed a four-tier optimization pathway to foster continuous learning and to best address individual needs. 

As Connect Care workflows cross many different specialties (e.g., Admissions, Discharges, clinic visits, note writing, referrals), many of the resources developed will be applicable in the Oncology/Hematology context as well. 

Self-directed Optimization for CCA Prescribers

Users reinforce their basic training knowledge through self-directed just-in-time learning using prescriber-friendly resources.

Direct Optimization Support for CCA Prescribers

Sessions organized through a clinical department in partnership with the CMIO training team.

Scheduled sessions 

Requests for departmental optimization

To request a specific optimization session for your group, please submit a non-urgent ticket via Epic (submit a ticket or call 1-877-311-4300), with the following information: 

Workflows for CCA Prescribers  (click to expand/collapse)

Medication Continuity for Leave of Absence

For the workflow needed before, during, and after the LOA to ensure medication continuity between the sending and receiving sites, see the guide (includes steps for prescribers and nurses/clerks).

Ordering Bladder Instillations in Connect Care

Once live on Connect Care, bladder instillations to be administered at CCA sites or at a Day Medicine site implementing Connect Care (Red Deer Regional Hospital) will need to be ordered by the urologist as a therapy plan in the Connect Care system. Faxed orders will no longer be accepted and CCA Nurses/Day Medicine Nurses will not be able to transcribe these orders into Connect Care. 

Therapy plan conversion work will begin on October 11, 2022, whereby CCA Nurses will enter in the therapy plans; in Red Deer, this work will be done by Day Medicine Nurses. To ensure your patients’ orders continue to stay active and for your patients to receive treatment, you will need to review and sign the therapy plans. During the conversion period, we highly encourage you to take this opportunity to practice entering a few therapy plans while multiple supports are present. 

To support you with this transition, please see the below resources:

For any questions or if you require more information, please email

Additional Resources (click to expand/collapse)

For more information about Connect Care, see other sections of this Manual, as well as the following resources: