Year 4 - GP4

GP4 (formerly Human Development, Brain and Behaviour, and Locomotor)   


We are updating the year 4 curriculum. For many years GP tutors  have wanted to focus on generalism and general practice in a more consolidated block of teaching. We have agreed changes that will allow us to pursue this goal while incorporating existing GP4 topics.

Teaching commitment

•  Six blocks of 5 weeks GP teaching per year. (4 weeks in practice + 1 week central teaching). 

3 days online Health Equity days led by medical school tutors. 

Learning outcomes will cover any clinical problem seen in primary care.  

There will be a focus on the main year 4 specialities and how relevant problems present and are managed in general practice. 

These expectations will be reflected in student logbooks.

Learning activities – these will vary but could include

• Attending specialist clinics, e.g. community antenatal, family planning, baby/child development

• Taking obstetric or gynaecological history

• Observing/taking cervical smears

• Sessions with practice nurse/midwife/health visitor

• Meeting children and their families

• Debrief on patient encounters and provided feedback to all students


GP tutors assess students on their attendance and level of participation and engagement during the placement as well as grading two written projects undertaken in primary care.


NB: sessional payment rates increase with the number of teaching sessions offered

For further information

Unit convenors

Dr Dev Gadhvi

Dr Camille Gajria 

Unit administrator

Mr Jim Manzano

Consultation Skills (campus based)

Consultation Skills teaching consists of four innovative days which are a combination of interactive lectures in the mornings and simulated patient surgeries in the afternoons. Tutors will be facilitating student groups during these afternoon sessions only. Sessions will run from approximately 1.15–4.45pm.


Consultation Skills teaching offers students and tutors the opportunity to work with experienced simulated patients and build student consultation skills. It focuses on directly observed feedback, developing clinical reasoning and management plans.  We will guide you through the teaching with a training session and a chance to observe your first session with the students.

Health Care of the Elderly Teaching AM Session -Consultation Skills (campus based)

It will be an interactive team-based session based on a complex case history which the students will work through together in a team.  The students will be given the case vignette followed by a question.  They then have time allocated to work through the question with their team before coming back together with the whole group for a discussion.  They will then be given subsequent questions and further information from the case.

The session aims to give them an understanding of the complexity and challenges of assessing and managing health care of the elderly cases in primary care and the skills required to manage uncertainty.  We have mapped the learning objectives for the session to the MLA.

Facilitator responsibilities:

Sessions will run from 9.30am– 12.30pm.

Payment is offered at £265 per session taught and will be located at either Whitechapel or West Smithfield (Robin Brook Centre . Payment can be made directly to your GP practice or to you as an individual (if you are teaching the sessions in your own time). You can sign up for as many sessions as you wish.


Community GP Tutor-led teaching on health equity (online)

As East London GPs and educators, we have always been passionate about helping our patient population, who come with unique issues and concerns. This teaching will ensure that our students are familiar with these concepts of health equity, understand the factors that influence it and understand the role that healthcare professionals can take in challenging these inequalities.


Each student will be put into small groups and will be given various resources to read or watch in the morning with tasks. In the afternoon, they will meet virtually with their Community GP Tutor to discuss the morningʼs information. We will guide you through these discussions with lots of learning materials, PowerPoint presentations and training sessions. Each student will have three sessions with a Community GP Tutor throughout their year.  Sessions will run from approximately 1.30– 3.30pm.

Payment is offered at £265 per session taught. This can be made directly to your GP practice or to you as an individual (if you are teaching the sessions in your own time). You can sign up for as many sessions as you wish.


For further information on teaching please contact:


MrJim Manzano

Unit Administrator