Year 5 Central Teaching - More information

Year 5 Central GP Tutor Role - Core Clinical Cases (during Year 5 GP Assistantship Block)

Role Description


The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant effect on clinical teaching since March 2020. Our current Year 5 students will have missed out a full module’s clinical placement teaching although they will have been engaged in remote teaching activities. Year 5 students need to get back onto clinical attachments from September 2020. The major change to General Practice is the move from largely face to face to remote consulting.

In order to support our students and GP Year 5 tutors, we have developed a programme of central teaching during the new 9-week GP block. This central teaching will be delivered remotely.


Support Online ‘Ethical case’ every 2 weeks.

Case scenarios will focus on Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Psychiatry, Neurology, Paediatrics and Health Care of the Elderly.

· WEEK 1: Students will complete an online case on QMPlus.

· WEEK 2: Virtual tutorial led by CENTRAL GP TUTOR to discuss the cases.

· ONLINE DISCUSSION FORUM: the central GP Tutor moderate the discussion forum which will run alongside the work on each scenario to support further learning


Contact with a clinician /mentor

Allows students to cover missed Year 4 content, discuss applied ethics

Keep connected with each other and the medical school during the Year 5 GP Assistantship Block

Provide blended learning for students and practice GP tutors.

Each Central Tutor will have up to 10 students in your tutor group

1. Main responsibilities

a. Establish contact with allocated group of students

b. Facilitate a 1- hour virtual group tutorial as timetabled every two weeks to discuss the clinical case scenario and fully review the case and answer questions. There will be 4 x 1-hour tutorials over the 9-week GP block. Dates to be confirmed.

c. Students will be encouraged to ask questions about the case on the online discussion forum on QM Plus. You will need to review the forum posts and make comment once weekly.

d. During the group tutorial, students should be encouraged to discuss any issues they are experiencing on their GP placement

e. You should report any significant issues raised to the Year 5 CBME team.

f. You will be expected to act as a mentor to the students in your tutorial group during the 9-week GP placement.

g. Mentors act as a guide and support to students during their time at the School. It is intended that mentors will facilitate students' personal and professional development and serve as an introduction to the process of education supervision encountered in foundation training and beyond.

h. The mentor will be watchful for students who appear to be experiencing difficulties either academically or pastorally and if necessary, refer these students to their Senior Tutors or the Student Academic and Pastoral Support Office as required.

2. Training

1) Attend any necessary training sessions required to carry out the duties of the post.

2) There will be support and training provided to use the online tutorial platform and discussion forum.

3. Key relationships

· CBME Year 5 Administrator – Lorane Smith

· Year 5 CBME Academic Staff: Dr Siobhan Cooke, and Dr Meera Sood,

· Professor of CBME,

· CMBE Manager: Lynne Magorrian,

· Student Academic and Pastoral Support Office,

4. Teaching credits

· Payment is offered at £495 per block (10.5hours)

5. Qualities of a good GP Central tutor and mentor

Able to give effective feedback

Able to develop an understanding rapport with students

Good communicator

Interested in the development of others

Able to share their own experiences

Able to help students find their way without ordering/instructing/steering

Can communicate with students as adult learners

Able to create a supportive but challenging environment to facilitate the personal and

professional development of students.