Year 4 Central Teaching - More information



We are pleased to announce implementation of NEW teaching VIRTUALLY for our Y4 students. As East London GPs and Educators, we have always been passionate about helping our patient population who come with unique issues and concerns. COVID-19 has highlighted more than ever this Health Inequality. 

Future health care professionals need to understand the problems of health equity at an international, national, local and individual level. This teaching will ensure that our students are familiar with these concepts, understand the factors that influence health equity and understand the role that HCPs can take in challenging these inequalities 

Each student will be put into groups of 8-10, they will be given materials such as videos, journals, policies and articles to read in the morning with tasks. In the afternoon, they will meet virtually with their Community GP Tutor to discuss the morning’s information. We will guide you through these discussions with lots of learning materials, PowerPoint’s and training days. Each student will have 3 sessions with a Community GP Tutor throughout his or her year.  Times 1.30-3.30. This will be the usual sessional rate. 

This will occur at many different points of the year, you can sign up for as much or as little as you like. However, we ask if possible to sign up for a sequence of 3 sessions (so you can be allocated the same group of students) this will help with continuity. If this is impossible for you to do but you are very keen to be involved please email our administrator Mr Jim. Manzano and we can see how we can facilitate your involvement.  

We are also keen to have your involvement in this curriculum design. 

Please email Mr. Jim Manzano ( for further information and availability


We are delighted that you are interested in the Consultation Skills Teaching.  We have already scheduled all our teaching for this current academic year.


We are currently re-organising and finalising our plans for the Consultation Skills teaching 2022/23 . If you are interested to teach for us, I would kindly ask you to fill in and submit the attached application back to me as soon as possible.  Once completed and approved by the module lead  I will then send further information. The GP training for Consultation Skills will be scheduled sometime on Wednesday 23rd August 2023


In the meantime please see information below on this year's teaching, to give you a general overview. 


Consultation Skills teaching consists of four innovative days which are a combination of interactive lectures in the mornings and simulated patient surgeries in the afternoons (except for Monday afternoon, which is ENT clinical skills dependent on covid restrictions). Tutors will be facilitating and teaching student groups during these afternoon sessions only.


Consultation Skills teaching offers students and tutors an opportunity to work with experienced simulated patients (actors) and introduces students to patient consultations in the context of the GP4 Unit. There is a focus on directly observed feedback and developing clinical reasoning and management plans.


Each day is dedicated to a different clinical specialty:


Monday   – ENT (ENT), Clinical Skills

•       Tuesday   – Health Care of the Elderly (HCoE), Simulated Surgeries

•      Thursday – Dermatology (DERM), Simulated Surgeries

•       Friday   – Musculoskeletal (MSK), Simulated Surgeries


The Consultation Skills training day will give you more information, please note that this will not be a paid session. 




Payment is offered at £265 per each afternoon session taught, and can be made directly to your GP practice or to you as an individual (if you are teaching the sessions in your own time). Please note that payment is not offered for attending the training session.


Please email Mr. Jim Manzano ( for further information and availability