Bring an installation

🇨🇵 Version Française

One of many ways to participate is to bring a piece of art or an interactive installation. We offer grants to support art projects or innovation. If you are in doubt whether or not a certain expense can be funded, contact us on Discord

Things that we fund

Things that we don't fund

Le Carré Babylonien built collectively in 2019

Propose A Big Art Piece

Materials are entirely funded by Crème Brûlée. The project is to be built collectively, with you on site during the pre-build week 27th April - 5th May. 

Fill the form for big art piece,
before 1st April

Octemplation by Camille 
Man'ounet by Sam

Propose a burnable effigy or temple 

Burnable structures with strict requirements. Materials are entirely funded. 

Effigie or Temple,
before 15th March.

Windows of Sound by Isabel

Bring An Installation

Register your installation and perhaps apply for a grant. Fundings are partial.

Register An Installation,
for subvention, before 15th April

Bring A Ch.A.R

This year we're opening up for a new type of project - Ch.A.R stands for Chose Artistique Roulant (Wheely Artsy Thingy if you wish). Before applying, we suggest you to read through the requirements here.

Propose a ChAR (Thing artistic rooling),
before 15th March.