We thrive to foster an environment where everyone can feel free to express themselves and explore safely. One of the main enabler is to embrace the culture of consent.
Key principles of consent:
Voluntary: Consent must be given willingly and without any form of coercion, manipulation, or pressure. It should be a choice made freely by all parties involved.
Informed: All parties should have a clear understanding of what they are consenting to. Too tired or not sober enough? Better save it next time!
Enthusiastic: Only an enthusiastic YES is a yes! It's not enough for someone to simply go along with something; they should actively want to participate.
Revocable: Consent is an ongoing process and can be withdrawn at any time. Individuals have the right to change their mind and should feel empowered to communicate their withdrawal of consent without fear of repercussions.
Specific: Consent needs to be specific to the activity in question. Agreement to one activity does not imply consent for another. Each new interaction or level of engagement requires its own explicit consent.
What do you consent to?
👉 Touch: Any form of touch! Just because you hugged someone yesterday, doesn't mean that they would want to be hugged today.
🎁 Gifts: Whether it's food or trinkets, disclose what's in your gifts, even if it's essential oils. People can be allergic.
📷 Photography: Ask before taking pictures. Remember consent to take picture is NOT consent to post on social media.
It's OK to say No
Whether declining an invitation to participate in an activity or expressing discomfort with a situation, your boundaries are valid, and others should respect them. Saying no is not only acceptable but encouraged when it comes to personal comfort and well-being.
Stand up for consent
Everyone should be part of the solution! By being aware of those around us.
Witness a situation that seem questionable? Step in and check in on others by asking. Are you Okay? Do you feel safe? Be willing to help a person in a non-consensual situation get to safety by contacting the Superheros or Site Lead or anyone wearing the consent badge.
We also encourage you to speak up and report it. Reporting mechanisms including a dedicated team and a confidential reporting process is in place to ensure that concerns are heard and addressed properly.