Packing list

At Crème Brûlée, we sleep under the stars and we play in the middle of the countryside, so to spend a good week you should really pack these essential items (don't forget, in Burn, every one should be resiliant). 

⛩️ To Get In

🛏️ To Sleep

🧸 Hygiene & Well-Being

🏮 To Get Around

🍲 To Eat & Drink

MOOP - Matter Out of Place 

A term that's used to describe anything that is not originally of the land on which our event takes place, no matter how big or small, is considered MOOP, and is to be removed as part of our Leave No Trace efforts. MOOP also includes grey-water, ash, a banana peel (which belongs to the compost), a cup that's dropped on the ground.

Things to leave at home

🐕 Pets - our beloved pets can hear a frequency range than us humans. For the well-being of your pets and our community. We don't accept animals in site. Keep them safe by leaving your pets to family or friends.
We will not be able to accept them either on site or near the site.