Legal Info & Risk reduction

🇬🇧 EN -- VIGIPIRATE at Crème Brûlée too...

The Vigipirate plan is one of the tools of the fight against terrorism. It is part of the field of vigilance, prevention and protection.  It is a permanent system that applies to all the major areas of activity in society. It aims to associate all the actors of the nation likely to contribute to the vigilance, prevention and protection against the terrorist threat. In this context, and if we do not proceed to a search at the entrance of the site, we inform you that the objects below are prohibited at Crème Brûlée:

Open fires (except for barbecues) will only be allowed at certain times and will be supervised by our "Fire Safety" and "Super Heroes" teams

Information concerning the use of drugs

French law punishes the use, possession, transportation, production and sale of most drugs. 

Article L3421-1 - Amended by Law n°2007-297 of March 5, 2007 - art. 48 JORF March 7, 2007

The illicit use of any of the substances or plants classified as narcotics is punishable by one year's imprisonment and a fine of 3750 euros. 

Persons guilty of this offence are also liable, as an additional penalty, to an obligation to complete a training course to raise awareness of the dangers of using narcotics, in accordance with the procedures set out in article 131-35-1 of the French Criminal Code.

If the offence is committed in the exercise of or in connection with the exercise of his or her duties by a person holding public authority or entrusted with a public service mission, or by the staff of a land, sea or air transport company, of goods or passengers exercising functions involving the safety of transport, the list of which is fixed by decree in the Council of State, the penalties are increased to five years' imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros. For the application of the present paragraph, the workers put at the disposal of the transport company by an external company are assimilated to the personnel of a transport company.

🇬🇧 Harm reduction: information does not harm health

At the "Boboologie" (a rest and care area), you will find documentation and assistance on "risk reduction" (related to sexual practices, alcohol consumption, drugs, etc.) and a friendly and specific welcome if you feel the need.

We also set up so-called “silent” hours, 10am to 4 pm. Crème brûlée is still very much alive, only no sound system will operate in these slots, in order to allow better rest (at least for the ears).

Concerning prevention and information on drug use, you can also download this application from the association TECHNO+ Link on iOs / Link on ANDROID

Because information does not harm health, this application aims to inform objectively on the risks and ways to reduce the risks related to the festive practices. Once the app is downloaded, the information can be consulted offline / network. 

Since 1995, Techno+, a French community health association composed of techno partygoers, has been conducting health promotion activities at these events. The total respect of the privacy of the users of this application is guaranteed. The content of this application and its services fall within the framework of the public health policy known as "Harm reduction related to drug use" (Law of August 9, 2004 of French law) and respects the national standard of harm reduction for drug users.