

Welcome to Battletech: Escalation! As a budding MechWarrior with aspirations of being something more, you’ll move from piloting your singular mech in one-on-one ‘Mech madness all the way up to combat with your full company of the best and brightest (or whatever you happened to scrounge up at the local dive bar). Compensation for fulfilling scenario objectives may translate into unknown rewards, but this may not be enough if you run into opponents with the latest and greatest technology. Will your tried and true units stand the test of time to see the triumph of the Clans in the ilClan era or will your units simply join the rest of the machinery heaped up in junkpiles around the Inner Sphere. Come test your breadth of Battletech savvy in Battletech: Escalation!

Battletech Esclation at Gencon 2024

Copy of the full rules can be found here.  Any questions can be directed to