Training Day 3

Congratulations! You have made it through the rigorous training days, passed the entrance exam. You are now officially part of the Health Scholar program here at Castle Hospital! What's next? You might wonder?

Training Day 3 is dedicated to training specific to rules and regulations specific to Castle Hospital. Scholars will sign up for their "Pre Rotational Shift (PRS)" and the first shift as a Health Scholar. In addition to that, you will be taking the hospital tour and meeting your Department Coordinator. Through your Department specific training session (DST), you will get a sneak peek of the floor you will be shifting on.

You will schedule a PRS which gives you the opportunity to shift with a Scholar working on the floor, getting to learn specific tasks, and getting yourself familiar with the staff.

Patient and Staff Interactions

You may come across situations in which you are unsure of how to respond

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this day, please email our Assistant Director of Departments at