中部アフリカ研究 in Kyoto


◆ African Study Monographs Supplementary Issues

アフリカ地域研究資料センターの発行する African Study Monographsは、日本の研究者による中部アフリカ研究の成果が公刊されてきた代表的な学術誌です。とりわけ狩猟採集民研究においては世界的に見ても多数の論文が掲載されており、高い評価を得ています。通常号にくわえ、下記にあるような中部アフリカ研究の成果が特集号として刊行されています。

No.60 (March 2020), YASUOKA, Hirokazu; ICHIKAWA Mitsuo (ed.) Utilization and Potentials of Non - Timber Forest Products and Wildlife in Southeast Cameroon

No. 51 (March 2015), KIMURA, Daiji (ed.) Present Situation and Future Prospects of Nutrition Acquisition in African Tropical Forest

No. 49 (August 2014), HIRAI, Masaaki; YASUOKA, Hirokazu; NKONGMENECK Bernard-Aloys; ICHIKAWA, Mitsuo (eds.) An Integrated Study on Non-Timber Forest Products in Southeastern Cameroon

No. 47 (March 2014), SATO, Hiroaki (ed.) Bio-social Adaptations of the Baka Hunter-gatherers in African Rainforest

No. 43 (November 2012), ICHIKAWA, Mitsuo; KIMURA, Daiji; YASUOKA, Hirokazu (eds.) Land Use, Livelihood, and Changing Relationships Between Man and Forests in Central Africa

No. 34 (March 2007), ARAKI, Shigeru (ed.) Indigenous Agriculture in Tanzania and Zambia in the Present Environmental and Socioeconomic Milieu

No. 33 (May 2006), ICHIKAWA, Mitsuo; YASUOKA, Hirokazu (eds.) Ecology and Change of the Hunter-Gatherer Societies in the Western Congo Basin

No. 28 (November 2003), ICHIKAWA, Mitsuo; KIMURA, Daiji (eds.) Recent Advances in Central African Hunter-Gatherer Research

No. 26 (March 2001), ICHIKAWA, Mitsuo; TANAKA, Jiro (eds.) African Hunter-Gatherers : Persisting Cultures and Contemporary Problems

No. 25 (March 1998), ICHIKAWA, Mitsuo (ed.) Man and Nature in Central African Forests

No. 23 (December 1996), TAKEDA, Jun The Ngandu as Hunters in the Zaïre River Basin

No. 19 (December 1992), TERASHIMA, Hideaki; KALALA, Seya; MALASI, Ngandu Ethnobotany of the Lega in the Tropical Rain Forest of Eastern Zaire: Part Two, Zone de Walikale

No. 16 (August 1991), AFlora Committee; TERASHIMA, Hideaki; ICHIKAWA, Mitsuo; OHTA, Itaru (eds.) AFlora: Catalog of Useful Plants of Tropical Africa, Part 1: Forest Areas

No. 15 (March 1991), TERASHIMA, Hideaki; MALASI, Ngandu Ethnobotany of the Lega in the Tropical Rain Forest of Eastern Zaire: Part One, Zone de Mwenga