
Casey Township Library Board

May 2, 2024 – Meeting Minutes

Attendance: Karen Bradford, Shelley Crouch, Sharon Durham, Shawn Huisinga, Chrissy Squires, Susie Mathews, Doug Stoutin, Librarian Gretchen Murphy and Tom Daughhetee, Friends of Library President.

I. Call to Order: President, Susie Mathews, called the meeting to order at 5:02 pm

II. The Consent Agenda. Motion made by Shelley, seconded by Durham, motion carried.

III. New Business, presented by Librarian Gretchen Murphy

a) Friends of the Library

President Daughhetee; The April Book Sale, $2,600; the hog raffle offered lots of experience to use on next raffle; hosted Book Reading by Erin Pringle at Arts Hall; gave $650 to library for yearly cost of activity snacks. Next quarterly meeting at 5:30 on May 13, 2024 at the libraryA

c) Programs and Activities

June Summer Reading program Smokey and the Police, Wednesdays in June. Canceled program June 19 which is Juneteenth. Murphy is looking into other options for this designated date on the calendar.

- Touch a Truck

- Foam Party

- Petting Zoo

- Reading Challenges

- No lunch provided

IV. Motion to adjourn at 5:21pm.

Stoutin made a motion to dismiss. Motion carried.

Next meeting, June 6, 2024 @ 5:00 pm

Submitted by: Karen Bradford