
Casey Township Library Board

June 13, 2024 – Meeting Minutes

Attendance: Karen Bradford, Shelley Crouch, Sharon Durham, Shawn Huisinga, Chrissy Squires, Susie Mathews, Doug Stoutin, Librarian Gretchen Murphy and Tom Daughhetee, Friends of Library President.

I. Call to Order: President, Susie Mathews, called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm

II. The Consent Agenda. Motion made to accept, carried

 May 2, 2024 Financial & Activity Reports

 May 2, 2024 Minutes

 Checks Signed, Pay Bills

III. New Business, presented by Librarian Gretchen Murphy

a) Friends of the Library

President Daughhetee:

- Butcher Shop Cook-Out Saturday, June 15, 2024 with a goal of 300 sandwiches.

- A Cake Walk is scheduled at 5:00 pm on July 5, 2024. Donations of baked goods are needed.

- Next quarterly meeting at 5:30 on August 12, 2024 at the library.

c) Programs and Activities

Librarian Murphy:

- Capital Grant, $500.32 received

June Summer Reading program Smokey and the Police, Wednesdays in June. Canceled program June 19 which is Juneteenth.

- Touch a Truck

- Petting Zoo

- Foam Homies, June 26th

- Reading Challenges, several children participating

- No lunch provided during programs.

- Casey State Bank providing frozen popsicles weekly

Weekly programs including Book Delivery, Mother Goose, Bingo, Gaming Club, and Silent Night, which is a monthly activity, continue to be well attended.

Discussion presented by Huisinga on interest of Money Market vs CD rates for $250,000 investment. Squires and Durham joined the discussion. Durham agreed to check into the best interest rate for the fund the following week.

IV. Motion to adjourn at 5:25 pm.

Motion made to dismiss. Motion carried.

Next meeting, August 1, 2024 @ 5:00 pm

Submitted by: Karen Bradford, Secretary