
Casey Township Library Board

April 4, 2024 – Meeting Minutes

Attendance: Karen Bradford, Shelley Crouch, Sharon Durham, Shawn Huisinga, Chrissy Squires, Susie Mathews, Doug Stoutin, Librarian, Gretchen Murphy and Tom Daughhetee, President of Friends of the Library

I. Call to Order: President, Susie Mathews, called the meeting to order at 5:02 pm

II. The Consent Agenda. Motion made seconded. Motion carried.

III. New Business, presented by Librarian Murphy

a) Shawn Huisinga

Huisinga officially accepted the appointment to fill the vacancy on the Library Board.

b) Friends of the Library

President Daughhetee, reported ticket sales total $925 cash and $125 for half-hog raffle (2 winners). Drawing

will take place at the Library on April 8th . Book Sale April 26 for members and April 27 for public. Next group

meeting on May 13, 2024 at 5:30 pm at Casey Library.

c) Programs and Activities

“High Five” fundraiser generated $370, which will be used to cover miscellaneous expense for program activities.

On Going Activities . . .

- Sr Bingo

- Mother Goose on the Loose

- Friday Gaming

- Book/movie deliveries to patrons

d) Lawn Service

Current lawn service provider, Mike Phillipi, retired. Murphy contacted licensed services in the area. Mowing season April thru October at $50 per mowing. After discussion and options being presented, Stoutin made a motion to hire Andy’s Lawn Service, seconded by Squires. Motion carried.

e) Webinar Learning

Murphy reported learning a lot from a recent webinar and decided to reformat the Summer Reading Program. The June theme “Smokey the Bear Recycles”, with no lunch provided, at 11:00 am each Wednesday in June. Hoping the program will run smoothly for staff and patrons.

IV. Motion to adjourn at 5:23pm. Motion carried next meeting, May 2, 2024 @ 5:00 pm

Submitted by: Karen Bradford