
Casey Township Library Board

March 7, 2024 – Meeting Minutes

Attendance: Karen Bradford, Shelley Crouch, Sharon Durham, Chrissy Squires, Susie Mathews, Doug Stoutin, Librarian Gretchen Murphy and Tom Daughhetee, President of Friends of the Library

I. Call to Order: President, Susie Mathews, called the meeting to order at 5:02 pm

II. The Consent Agenda. Motion made by Squires to approve, Seconded by Crouch. Motion carried.

III. New Business, presented by Librarian Murphy

a) Friends of the Library

President, Daughhetee, reported the Friends have acquired a insurance and a separate account in order to have fundraisers, raffles

and drawings. Ticket sales for half-hog raffle begins March 8th and Book Sale April 26/27. The first newsletter is ready for circulation. Next group meeting on May 13, 2024 at 5:30 pm at Casey Township Library.

b) Programs and Activities

Reading by Erin Pringle Author, Erin Pringle, will be at Turner Arts Hall on April 4, 2024 to read her new book “Unexpected Weather”

On Going Activities . . .

- Sr Bingo

- Mother Goose on the Loose

- Readers Choice

- Friday Gaming Club

c) Libby vs. Cloud Library

Discussion by the Board on the benefits of the two electronic library app. Motion made by Squires, seconded by Stoutin, to not renew the contract with Cloud Library and to switch to Libby. Motion carried.

e) Appoint Trustee

With much sympathy was voiced with death of our Board President, Debi Sinclair. The library received a number of financial memorial donations for Sinclair. Librarian Murphy officially welcomed Susie Mathew as President of our Board. Bradford nominated Shelley Crouch to serve as Vice President, seconded by Squires. Motion carried. Motion made by Squires, seconded by Stoutin to nominate Shawn Huisinga to fill the vacant seat on the board. Motion carried.

IV. Motion to adjourn at 5:23pm. Motion carried next meeting, April 4, 2024 @ 5:00 pm

submitted by: Karen Bradford