
Casey Township Library Board

August 5, 2021 – Meeting Minutes

In attendance:  Karen Bradford, Shelley Crouch, Sharon Durham, Susie Mathew, Debbie Sinclair, Chrissy Squires and Librarian, Gretchen Murphy.

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM by President, Debbie Sinclair

The Consent AgendaMotion to approve accepted

Old Business

Story Walk update:  Kimberly Hensley ordered 21 Kiosk stations from Barking Dog Exhibits.  Note:  an supporter of the Library purchased an additional station, bringing out total to 21.  

 2021 Summer Reading Program, “Around the World and Back Again” was held each Tuesday in June and July.  The kids enjoyed the life-size games in the yard along with the prizes and treats supplied by the program sponsors.  The program concluded on August 2, 2021.

Fund Raising Committee:  Lucky Binga is set for September 23, 2021 at Richard’s Farm.  Richard’s representative, Alexia, will meet with members at a later date to work on finalizing the details, selecting the menu and drink options.

Haunted House, October 28-29-30:  Organizational Zoom Meeting was held with Kevin Finke, Patty Richards, Friends of the Library volunteers and Board members.

New Business

Grant Opportunities:  Librarian Gretchen Murphy

Non-Resident Fee:  A policy has been adopted for non-resident’s Library fee based on taxed value of $50.00 per household.  There is a loop hole for renters to get a card free.

Staff Changes:   Abby Salorio was hired to fill an open position.  Kaitlyn Tipsword will begin working a 3:00 to 5:00 shift, coordinating with other staff who will work 11:00 to 3:00.

Friends of the Library:  Patty Richards purchased a $100 Casey General Gift card for a raffle.  Money raised from ticket sales will be used for the Haunted House.

Meeting adjourned at 5:50 pm.

Submitted by,

Karen Bradford