加齢経済学を学びたい人へ Those who will apply for students 

1.First of All

 You should check the web site of


BEFORE you will contact us.

 Especially, you should note the deadline of each process.

 It is better that you invest much time to prepare application.

2. 研究生を希望するひとへ

Those who will apply for students


”Handbook of  the Economics of Population Aging”を参考にして、欧米の先行研究などを参照してください。
See https://www.sciencedirect.com/handbook/handbook-of-the-economics-of-population-aging

Make your research plan in the Graduate School of Economics referring to the "Handbook of the

 Economics of Population Aging," which contains much research in Europe and the United States.

Not only listing the previous researches, but also list your new value adding points and solutions for the previous researches.

  2) 実際の研究の実施の具体的可能性や自分がその研究を遂行できる能力を持っていること


You need to prove the practical feasibility of your research and indicate that you have the actual ability to carry out your research.

 (e.g., you performed econometric analysis in your graduation thesis and so on).


Follow the rules of the style for writing academic documents i.e.  https://apastyle.apa.org/.
Ask your current or teacher in your undergraduate days to check your plan BEFORE sending it to us.

And ask your teacher 's singnature on you decument  to confirm .

We will send back comments on your research plan one time. Evaluating a possibility to join our class.

No permission or No informal consent is available before your official application to the University.

5) これまでの研究が高齢社会の経済分析と関係ない(金融、貿易、ICT、日本文化・言語等の)人は、


Those who have been studying other field than the Economic of Population Aging 

(finance, ICT, Japanese Culture and Language, and so on)

 need to explain why you have to change the course to the Economics of Aging, 

and show that you have much ability to accomplish the research of the Economics of Aging to persuade us much.

研究計画Sample https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fEfdIRGH5NQnyG8yOWSBOG7OA0te3KE8/view

6) 文献調査や統計を収集するのは当たり前なので不要です。


There is no need to write the plan of researching literature or collecting statistics.

Please write a concrete plan for how you will expand on and solve the problems identified in the prvious researches.