How to Record a General Play Score

Click here for the full Scottish Golf instructions

Below are the main bullet points for recording a GP score...

  1. When at the golf course, open the Scottish Golf App and ensure you are logged in

  2. Once logged in, click on the HCI Handicap Index button in the top left to access the My Handicap section.

  3. Click the General Play Score button

  4. Select the course you are playing and then from the dropdown, select the course and tees. To begin, tick the box and click Confirm to start scoring.

  5. After each hole enter your score in the yellow box by selecting the number from the pad. If you do not complete the hole, select 0 for a no return. Click Next Hole to move to enter the next score. Clicking on the caddie button will switch to the GPS map for the hole you are on. Click Exit to return to the scoring screen.

  6. At the end if the round, click Scorecard to see the front nine and back nine scores for your round together with the total. If any scores are incorrect, click on the hole score to edit it. When you are sure the scorecard is correct, click Finalise.

  7. To verify your score entry, sign in the top box and then enter the name and phone number of your playing partner and click Enter Signature. Enter a signature in the Marker box and click Submit to enter your General Play score. You will need to click Submit a second time during the 3 second countdown to confirm the submission of your score.

Important Notes

  • Please note, you must submit your General Play score while you are in the vicinity of the golf club/course on the same day you have played in order for it to count towards your WHS Handicap Index.

  • Failure to submit your score on the day may result in a penalty score being applied to your Handicap Index record.

  • Once successfully submitted you will receive an email confirming your score and it will also be shown as pending in your WHS Handicap Record.

  • Your Handicap Index will be updated at the end of each day. This means that when you open the Scottish Golf app the following day and click on My WHS Index, you will see the results from your General Play round.

  • If the course you are playing uses the Scottish Golf VMS system, then you can also Register your round and submit your scores via the VMS Touchscreen in the clubhouse.

  • Enjoy your game and good luck!