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Navigate the Digital Landscape: Why You Need a Professional Digital Marketing Service?

Paid Ad Campaign | Facebook Page Optimization | Social Media Manager | Instagram/LinkedIn Optimization

The digital landscape is ever-evolving, demanding strategic navigation. But fear not! A professional digital marketing service becomes your compass, guiding your brand towards success. They offer:

Investing in a professional service empowers you to:

Don't go it alone in the digital jungle. Partner with a professional service to unlock growth, achieve your goals, and leave a lasting mark in the online world.

Keywords: digital marketing, SEO, SEM, PPC, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, lead generation, conversion optimization, ROI, professional services.

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Facebook Page Verification Guide

There are two types of page verification system. They are verified badges and meta verified. Both "verified badges" and "Meta Verified" aim to confirm the authenticity of accounts on Meta platforms like Facebook and Instagram, but they differ in a few key ways.


Verified badge are free and historically reserved for public figures, celebrities, and notable brands deemed newsworthy and distinct. These are still available and awarded through a separate application process.

Meta Verified is a paid subscription service launched in 2023, open to any individual (not brands) for a monthly fee.

Verification process

Verified badge requires proof of identity and documentation demonstrating newsworthiness or public interest.

Meta Verified requires government ID verification but focuses on confirming individual identity, not public prominence.


Verified badge primarily serves as a trust signal, indicating account authenticity.

In addition to verification, Meta Verified has some offers perks like:


Verified badge: Free.

Meta Verified: Paid subscription, currently $11.99/month on web and $14.99/month on iOS/Android.

Who they're for

Verified badge: Primarily targets well-known figures and entities.

Meta Verified: Targets any individual seeking verification and additional account benefits.

Facebook Page Verification Guide

Here's a table summarizing the key differences

Ultimately, the choice between a verified badge and Meta Verified depends on your needs and priorities. If you're a public figure or brand seeking basic verification, the free badge might suffice. But if you're an individual who values enhanced account protection, support, and visibility, Meta Verified could be worth considering, despite the subscription fee.

Eligibility Requirements For Meta Verified Businesses

Meta Verified for businesses isn't available for everyone yet. Meta Verified for businesses is a paid subscription for eligible businesses on Instagram and Facebook. To qualify for this subscription, you need to meet the following eligibility requirements.

Applicant eligibility

Business Account eligibility

Business Asset Eligibility

Instagram business asset eligibility

Facebook business asset eligibility

To start the procedure, click on Facebook Help Center from your business page.