From logo to legacy. Meet Google!

From logo to legacy. Meet Google!

You just never know when a little opportunity is going to turn into a life-changing moment. 

Ruth Kedar was an established designer and Stanford instructor when two Stanford students asked if she’d be willing to design a logo for their burgeoning startup. She took their request seriously, and the result was an iconic logo that outlived design trends – and expectations.

In celebration of Google’s 25th birthday, we asked Ruth to share an in-depth, personal account of how her world-renowned logo came to be.

What was the original vision and intent behind your logo design? What made you choose the colors, font, etc?

The vision

As with all my work, the design process started with extensive and deep conversations with the clients, in this case Larry Page and Sergey Brin, to get a better sense for who they were, to learn more about the company they were building, who they were building it for, and what was their intent, and their vision.

Even at that very early stage, it was clear that their vision was long term. Their intent was to create a company like no other, with no desire to follow preconceived notions on how things were supposed to be done. They didn’t wish to follow the footsteps of any company out there. And even though they were a startup, they wanted to stand out and make their mark – literally and figuratively across the existing landscape.


In 1998 the computer had yet to find its typographical voice. Throughout history new writing tools inspired new type designs – the chisels the Roman used on marble inspired the serif (wedge-shaped) fonts. The introduction of quill pens as a writing tool gave birth to cursive scripts. And a love for clean designs in the 1930s gave birth to sans serif fonts.

But in 1998, when personal computers were just becoming the new writing tool, computer type was still in its infancy. Even when facing issues such as pixelation and lack of legibility, it seemed like there was no clear evolution of typography to fit the new medium. 

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