What Are The Major Digital Marketing Services?

“Digital Marketing” is an umbrella term that covers a wide range of online marketing strategies, services, and tools. While businesses can get uber-specific about their online marketing campaigns and the methods they use, it’s worth knowing the “big ones” to get a good idea of where to start.

These major digital marketing services have been used by countless businesses to drive traffic, generate leads, and attract new customers. So whether you invest in one, another, or all of them, they’re a great way to grow your business over time. Here are the top digital marketing services to consider if you’re looking to scale your business to new heights.

Social Media Marketing

It’s estimated that over 2.9 billion people use social media worldwide, and that number is likely to continue to climb. While most business owners are familiar with the major social media marketing (SMM) platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.), not every business is doing social media marketing right. That’s why SMM is a major category of digital marketing, as most businesses need help establishing a data-driven, effective social media strategy. It’s not enough to just post random content and hope for the best; businesses need to take a strategic approach. SMM agencies offer a slew of social media marketing and management services to help businesses reach the right audience, post engaging content, drive traffic, and generate sales.

With these services, businesses can expect a higher return on their social campaigns and generate a more dedicated fan base to boot.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Google is the largest search engine and is responsible for driving massive amounts of traffic to business websites across the web. With so many users searching for products, services, information, and brands, most businesses can’t afford to sleep on SEO. SEO involves optimizing your website and online profiles to rank higher in the search results so you can get noticed by potential customers. National, international, and local businesses alike can benefit from SEO services. In working with an SEO agency, you can optimize your website to rank for the key terms your audience uses to find brands like yours. Your chosen SEO team will make sure your site is technically sound, is optimized for mobile search, hosts high-quality content, and makes it easy for customers to buy.

Website Design & Development

At the foundation of any great digital marketing strategy is a solid, professional business website. That’s why most digital marketing services start with web design and development to make your site look top-notch. Beyond looks, your site needs to be functional, user-friendly, and optimized for mobile devices. A trusted web design company will help build a site to your specifications while ensuring your website actively works to attract new customers your way.

Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising

When most people picture “ads” they might imagine newspaper ads, magazine ads, or television ads. But did you know that many businesses have nixed traditional ads in exchange for online PPC ads? Some examples of PPC advertising platforms include Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or Instagram Ads, which work to drive traffic and leads at a determined cost per click (CPC). As the acronym implies, with PPC ads, you pay a cost for each user that clicks on your ad. This digital marketing service helps businesses generate leads faster because they don’t have to wait on the organic reach of SEO or social media. You can drive traffic and leads right away, even for a small marketing spend, and gradually scale up over time. PPC takes some finesse to get right, so be sure to work with a trusted PPC specialist to make sure you are targeting the right audience, configuring your ads properly, and generating the best results for the lowest cost possible.

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