Dr. Susie Castellanos Hansley (MA '94, PhD '00)


Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Those of us who experience imposter syndrome are typically high achievers who love to learn and grow. But we also fear that we are not enough, may not belong, or that we can’t succeed in our careers without changing ourselves in some way. That causes us anxiety and reduces our self-confidence – which in turn keeps us from achieving our goals.


In this webinar you’ll learn the root cause of imposter syndrome and how to resolve it. The result: you get to show up as authentically YOU and create a fulfilling career, relationships, and life.

Speaker Bio

Susie Castellanos Hansley, MA '94, PhD '00, is a Master Certified Coach who specializes in helping high achievers with anxiety and imposter syndrome. A first-generation Mexican American and the first in her family to go to college, she knows first-hand the ways imposter syndrome and anxiety show up – as well as how to solve for them.