Welcome to the Career Initiative Network 

Navigating change?

The Brown community is here for you.

The Brown University Office of Alumni Relations launched the Career Initiative in 2022 to support Brown alumni who were affected by recent layoffs, were finding their way back into the workforce after pandemic-related disruptions, or were otherwise dealing with uncertainty.  In 2023, we launched two Rapid Response Career Initiatives which engaged over 3,000 alumni with the University and each other in a new way.  The pilot programs generated a shared common joy for the opportunity to connect and build community capital. 

These programs have helped us explore modalities for launching career and life design initiatives at Brown.

What is life design?  See below.

Life Design: 

An Introduction

There is no perfectly curated path for us that leads to personal fulfillment.  As an undergraduate, we go through the education system and are left with the question "Now what?" 

To help answer this question, we recognize that while a career and job are important, there are other areas of our lives that need attention in order to feel fulfillment and meaning.  Life design is about planning a balance between those areas of your life (career, health, and social). 

Getting curious about our intentions and learning to describe our goals is a great step to understanding our personal definitions of fulfillment. How do we start the process? Making connections with others is a great first step. Join a community of interest below and start connecting with others who care about the same topics as you!