screaming cube

The screaming cube (May 2008, original project was untitled) was a project developed by students Casper Schipper and Antal Ruhl at Media Technology, Leiden University. A small black cube, made out of cardboard and paper, the size of a small lunchbox, would function as a holder for single candle. Light the candle, and let it be...

After some time and suddenly, the cube would emit high-pitched screechy sounds, reminiscent of human screaming. Simultaneously, it shakes violently, attempting to put out the candle. This bot fits both the emotional and helpess bot categories,

Casper Schipper behind the screaming cube, with a lit candle (2008).

This project is a strong example of the "single aspect approach", in which all non-relevant aspects of the robot are abstracted away (hence the black-cube visuals) and only one single aspect of its creatureness is highlighted. The screaming cube expresses only a fear of being helplessly burned by the candle flame that comes ever closer and closer.