WE, THE ROBOTS is a work by Carlos Martín, Helena Frijns and Lucía Martín that explores social interactions between robots, and between robots and humans, and it takes the robot perspective as opposed to the human perspective as a starting point:

You, cyborgs, are social animals. Through collaboration you have achieved goals that seemed difficult, and almost impossible to achieve as individuals. You have used collective behaviour in society as a powerful tool to trigger changes in the course of history, and we know that this group skill could easily escape out of your control. We, the robots, are calling to explore the idea of collaboration between robots and humans.

Sequence 02_1.mp4

It's a pack of robots who are eager to explore the world, and understand human social behavior, as it is a concept that is somewhat foreign to them - yet intriguing. The bots react to each other and to the audience. The robots have been trained by different persons, leading to different personalities - some bots are more shy, some more inquisitive. The bots are driven by a balance of curiousness and fear, and by responding to complex human behavior and behavior of the other bots, social patterns of interaction emerge.