
Part 1 links

Part 2 links

Part 3 links

Part 4 links

As we wrote the book, we ran into the challenge of how to provide access to the various sources, information, and related stories we thought readers might find interesting. Initially we included the URLs in the main text, but that turned out to be distracting. In the end, we decided to stick with simplicity in the book itself. So here are the various weblinks mentioned. Apologies if any links are broken-- the web is a constantly evolving place! We'll try to update this when we can, but feel free to let us know if a specific link is dead.

The links are organized by Part (1-4) and by chapter. For example, Link 6.2 is related to material in Chapter 6.

Not all of these weblinks are directly referenced in the book. In the proofing and editing process, we had to eliminate some material that we liked but wasn't essential. But the links are here anyway for your entertainment.

Please note that we've used "Perma.cc" for many of the links. That should help ensure that ephemeral web content is preserved. From the perma.cc page, you may still be able to link to the original website.

Also, we've provided links to the YouTube version of videos that are made available by Stanford's eCorner site. We've noticed that some web browsers don't always show the eCorner site properly. Regardless, we strongly encourage you to visit Stanford eCorner to access hundreds of incredible videos about entrepreneurship and business: www.ecorner.stanford.edu.

Most of the videos we've linked to are very short (2-5 minutes). These are almost always excerpts of longer (45-75 minute) talks given at Stanford's Technology Venture Program. The eCorner site has the full versions of those talks.

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