
Excursions are entertaining, but not essential, side stories related to topics in the book. We wanted to make these available, but not clutter the book unnecessarily.  We also suspected that some (many?) of these would become obsolete or at least less relevant over time (which has turned out to be the case). 

It should probably also be noted that most of these were Adam's investigations, opinion, or commentary. Gerry was tolerant enough to let them all pass, but shouldn't be blamed for anything here.

Note: In January 2024, our archives experience a data loss event. Although almost all of the "Excursions" were recovered, they did not retain the original formatting. We lost images and embedded hyperlinks in the Excursion text, along with the correct text formatting. We are slowly trying to recreate the lost content. Thank you for your understanding.

Part 1

Excursions 1: Cases and Examples

Excursions 2: A note on gender and language

Excursions 3: Business models as models of business

Excursions 4: A new "business model" for value creation? Lessons of the dot-com crash.

Excursions 5: Business model definitions

Excursions 6: Taurai

Excursions 7: Systems

Excursions 8: Biz Models as learned skill

Excursions 9: Business Models and Strategy


Part 2

Excursions 10: Human design and Orbel

Excursions 11: Confederate Motorcycles at the Salt Flats

Excursions 12: Transaction-based business models

Excursions 13: External transactions [Lost in data loss event 2024]

Excursions 14: BSTs in the IT sector

Excursions 15: Transaction structure, content, and governance

Excursions 16: Transaction (re)design

Excursions 17: Non-business business models

Excursions 18: Business models and contingency theory

Excursions 19: Information sharing and value design

Excursions 20: Condor Computing

Excursions 21: Google

Excursions 22: Modeling coherence at CDI

Excursions 23: Why not start with narrative?


Part 3

Excursions 24: Booker's 7 basic narratives

Excursions 25: Narrative relevance and credibility

Excursions 26: Business plans to business models

Excursions 27: Opportunity v. Business Model at MRAIL

Excursions 28: The Squatty Potty

Excursions 29: The Lean startup and canvas

Excursions 30: Canvanizer

Excursions 31: More about key metrics

Excursions 32: Customer segments

Excursions 33: Customer journey maps

Excursions 34: The social media marketing trap

Excursions 35: More about unfair advantages

Excursions 36: Revenue stream and purchasing hammers

Excursions 37: AEB revenue stream ideas

Excursions 38: Exploring unique value propositions

Excursions 39: Prioritizing cost research

Excursions 40: MRail's SHaRP resources

Excursions 41: Tacit Capabilities

Excursions 42: Timely activities- the case of social media marketing

Excursions 43: More on Crossing the Chasm

Excursions 44: Unable to Cross the Chasm

Excursions 45: MRail segments

Excursions 46: More about channel challenges

Excursions 47: Proximity and Engagement

Excursions 48: MRail customer pain

Excursion 49 [This was lost in the Jan 2024 data loss event]

Excursions 50: Cost analysis is like the weather

Excursions 51: Mrail Revenue


Part 4 - Business Model Innovation

Excursions 52: Matt Golden

Excursions 53: Brainstorming rules

Excursions 54: Brian Eno's Oblique Strategies

Excursions 55: Guidance on thought experiments

Excursions 56: Pilot testing at Ocere

Excursions 57: Business Model Innovation and Creative Destruction

Excursions 58: IBM's global study of business model innovation

Excursions 59: GeoCities' business model was too innovative

Excursions 60: Agile Business Model Innovation

Excursions 61: The Fractal business model

Excursions 62: Drivers of business model innovation

Excursions 63: BMI Stage 1: Drivers of successful business model innovation

Excursions 64: BMI Stage 2: Drivers of successful business model innovation

Excursions 65: Notes on "sustainable" business model dimensions

Excursions 66: Sustainability business

Excursions 67: Blake Mycoskie and TOMS shoes

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