About the book

Every company has a business model. When the business model works, the company creates value. Innovative business models give companies an edge over their competitors. Agile business models help companies respond to the industry and the changes in the market. Perhaps, you have read about business models or led a discussion at your firm about business model change. Perhaps, you have avoided the topic because the books and consultants all seem to say different things. Perhaps, deep down, you are not sure what your business model is. The Business Model Book provides all the basic information you need, using clear and concise examples, and direct advice, on how to think about business models at your organisation.

TBMB combines the latest research, straightforward tools and current examples to bring this surprisingly tricky topic to life. Straightforward cases from the authors’ research and experiences highlight the key lessons. TBMB applies a novel, life-cycle based approach to make business models relevant to your company's development stage. Your company changes over time-so should your business model.

The book breaks down business models into key elements. Short activities and simple frameworks help you diagnose the flaws and bottlenecks in the business model. The book provides stage-specific templates for real insight on business model change, innovation, and revolution. Small business leaders need to test possible business models; large firm managers want to improve or transform the system of activities that create and capture value. Executives of larger, diversified companies will consider when to implement multiple business models within the same organization.

TBMB is designed as a practical workbook for managers at all levels. Each chapter has specific activities designed to help managers apply business model thinking to a specific company and a specific situation. You can learn a lot from the examples and the general explanations. However, if you want to make a difference to your firm, then you should think carefully about the stage of your business and make sure you complete the activities appropriate to that stage. You will find that completing all of the activities gives you the most insight-even the ones that may not seem relevant to your business. That's because companies change over time, and so do business models.

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