The Games and Activities
If you have games or other activities take lots of pictures. Introduce the games by taking a photo of the contestant(s) holding a sign explaining the game (as shown in the top row in photograph on right). If you have “teams” photograph each team holding a sign with the team name and the names of each team member on the sign. If there is a winning individual or team, award a champion's sign, ribbon or trophy and conclude the activity with the winners holding their champion's sign, ribbon or trophy (as shown in the bottom row in photograph on right).
I would recommend making a word cloud for your honoree as one of the activities. Simply have each guest write a one word description of the honoree. If you have just a few guests, you might have each guest do this a few times. Collect all of the words and type them into a tool that makes word clouds. Save a.jpg of your word cloud. Add your honorees name and photo and event title to the word cloud and you'll have a great picture for your album.
Suggestions for additional Games and Activities may be found by reviewing the photo albums and write-ups on the Education by Entertainment web site or by requesting a telephone consultation from Dr. Ron Shapiro (DrRonShapiro@Gmail.Com). Photos suggesting interesting activities from Education By Entertainment events may be viewed on the What Should You Expect From Education By Entertainment Birthday celebrations? six slide program overview or from any of the program photo albums available on SlideShare. Common party games appear on numerous websites as well.
Please select appropriate activities for your honoree and guests so that everyone will have fun!!!