The Guests Greeting the Honoree
Rather than sending or bringing individual cards to the party, encourage each guest (or set of guests) to prepare a sign on the computer or hand drawn for the honoree expressing their congratulations. (Remind your guests to sign their sign.) Take a photo (actually 2 or 3 photos just to be sure because people do blink, frown, look away, etc. ) of:
- each guest (or set of guests) holding their sign.
- each guest presenting their sign to the honoree.
- the honoree reading each sign.
- the honoree holding the sign facing the camera.
See the sample signs in the signs appendix.
Conclude this section with a picture of all of the guests and the honoree perhaps holding a sign such as “We Love You, Honoree’s Name.”
- Look for expressive, creative poses and facial expressions. Try not to take “tin soldier” type of pictures.
- Have a few signs pre-made for guests that didn’t feel creative and did not make as sign so all they need to do is select a sign and autograph it.
- Use photo matte or cover stock, not 20 pound bond paper.