The Chefs and/or the Menu
If you are having a home made meal prepared by several chefs, feature a picture of all the chefs holding up a sign “The Chefs." Follow this by a photo of the entire food spread, be it a buffet or individual servings. Next you might have a photo of each chef holding up their specialty dish (and perhaps include a box with the recipe, too).
If eating at a restaurant perhaps take a photo of the menu, the kitchen crew with the honoree and the table setting before people begin to eat.
If you are doing a "pot luck" consider developing a menu for your event based upon the foods that your honoree liked at various points in their lives.
For example, if you are organizing a 25th birthday party you might consider:
- Hors d'œuvre based upon food your honoree liked around age 5.
- Appetizers based upon foods your honoree liked around age 10.
- Main course based upon foods your honoree liked at about age 15.
- Desert based upon foods your honoree liked at about age 20.