WP6 : Scaling up using remote sensing

Given the highly heterogeneous and dynamic nature of tidal flats, upscaling the results on BEF relations obtained in WP1-5 to whole tidal flats is challenging but important in the framework of policy application and tidal flat management. RS imagery allows capturing variability in sediment type (grain size, water content) and BMA biomass at high spatial resolution (m’s). The NANT partner holds great expertise in this field of research (see CVs), and will be responsible for building dynamic BMA biomass maps and sediment type maps using multi- spectral and hyperspectral imagery (task 6.1). They will also pioneer two novel approaches, viz. the use of hyperspectral RS to map primary production (PP)(task 6.2) and BMA resuspension (task 6.3). The spatial distribution of BMA resuspension will then be cross-analysed with the sediment BMA biomass distribution maps (for the same time period) to assess the link between both. Data on standing stocks, C fluxes and BEF relations obtained in WP1-4 for contrasting sediment types will then be extrapolated to the scale of whole tidal flats using the RS data on sediment type, BMA biomass and PP and the WP5 models. Explicit validation of this approach (by measuring C fluxes and BEF relations as in WP1 at field sites selected on the basis of the RS data) will be beyond the scope of this project, but WP6 will deliver the tools for future testing of this application in the context of tidal flat management. Data from BB (NANT) will be complemented with RS imagery available and to be obtained for the PAUL site (UG-PAE).

  • Task 6.1 - Sediment grain size and water content maps
  • Task 6.2 - BMA biomass and primary production maps
  • Task 6.3 - BMA high-tide resuspension