List of scientific publications

Book chapters

HUBAS C, PASSARELLI C, PATERSON DM (2018) Microphytobenthic biofilms: composition and interactions. In: BENINGER P. (Ed.) Mudfat Ecology. Springer Aquatic Ecology Series. Volume 7, DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-99194-8, pp. 63-90

MOENS T & BENINGER P (2018) Meiofauna – an inconspicuous but important player in mudflat ecology. In: Beninger P (Ed.) Mudfat Ecology. Springer Aquatic Ecology Series.Volume 7, DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-99194-8, pp. 91-147

PASSARELLI C, HUBAS C, PATERSON DM (2018) Mudflat ecosystem engineers and services. In: BENINGER P. (Ed.) Mudfat Ecology. Springer Aquatic Ecology Series. Volume 7, DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-99194-8, pp. 243-269

Journal articles

D’HONDT A-S, STOCK W, BLOMMAERT L, MOENS T & SABBE K (2018) Nematodes stimulate biomass accumulation in a multispecies diatom biofilm. Mar. Env. Res. 140 : 78-89.

MELEDER V, JESUS B, BARNETT A, BARILLE L, LAVAUD J (2018) Microphytobenthos primary production estimated by hyperspectral reflectance. PLoS ONE 13(5): e0197093

KOEDOODER C, STOCK W, WILLEMS A, MANGELINCKX S, DE TROCH M, VYVERMAN V, & SABBE K (2019) Diatom-Bacteria Interactions Modulate the Composition and Productivity of Benthic Diatom Biofilms. Frontiers in Microbiology. 10 : 1255.

SAVELLI R, BERTIN X, ORVAIN F, GERNEZ P, DALE A, et al. (2019) Impact of chronic and massive resuspension mechanisms on the microphytobenthos dynamics in a temperate intertidal mudflat. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124, 3752-3777

STOCK W, BLOMMAERT L, DE TROCH M, MANGELINCKX S, WILLEMS A, VYVERMAN W, SABBE K (2019) Host specificity in diatom-bacteria interactions alleviates antagonistic effects. FEMS Microbial Ecology 95, 2019, fz171.

STOCK W, BLOMMAERT L, DAVELOOSE I, VYVERMAN W, SABBE K (2019) Assessing the suitability of Imaging-PAM fluorometry for monitoring growth of benthic diatoms. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 513: 35-41

STRATMANN T, SOETAERT K, WEI C-L, LIN Y-S, VAN OEVELEN D (2020) The SCOC database, a large, open, and global database with sediment community oxygen consumption rates. Scientific Data 6: 242.

CASTILLA-GAVILA M, MESHI R, TURPIN V, DECOTTIGNIES P, COGNIE B (2020) Sea urchin recruitment: Effect of diatom based biofilms on Paracentrotus lividus competent larvae. Aquaculture 515: 734559.

COINTET E, WIELGOSZ-COLLIN G, BOUGARAN G, RABESAOTRA V, GONCALVES O, MELEDER V (2019) Effects of light and nitrogen availability on photosynthetic efficiency and fatty acid content of three original benthic diatom strains. PloS ONE, 14(11), e0224701.

GAUBERT-BOUSSARIE J, PRADO S, HUBAS C (2020) An untargeted metabolomic approach for microphytobenthic biofilms in intertidal mudflats. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7:250

MELEDER V, SAVELLI R, BARNETT A, POLSENAERE R, GERNEZ P, CUGIER P, LEROUXEL A, LE BRIS A, DUPUY C, LE FOUEST V, LAVAUD J (2020) Mapping the Intertidal Microphytobenthos Gross Primary Production Part I: Coupling Multispectral Remote Sensing and Physical Modeling. Frontiers in Marine Science 7: 520.

PRINS A, DELERIS P, HUBAS C, JESUS B (2020) Effect of light intensity and light quality on diatom behavioural and physiological photoprotection. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7:203

SAVELLI R, MELEDER V, CUGIER P, POLSENAERE P, DUPUY C, LAVAUD J, BARNETT A, LE FOUEST V (2020) Mapping the intertidal microphytobenthos Gross Primary Production. Part II: Merging remote sensing and physical-biological coupled modelling. Frontiers in Marine Science 7: 521.


BiodivERsA3 BIO-Tide interim report Oct 2018.pdf

SABBE K (2018) BIO-TIDE BiodivERsA Intermediate progress report.


poster_EPC7 biotide17 label.pdf

Willem Stock, Anna-Maria Vafeiadou, An-Sofie D’Hondt, Antoine Prins, Philippe Rosa, Tanja Stratmann, Julie Gaubert, Alexandre Barnett, Dominique Lamy, David Paterson, Karline Soetaert, Vona Méléder, Bruno Jesus, Tom Moens, Cédric Hubas, Koen Sabbe (2019) Tracing carbon in marine phototrophic biofilms. 7th European Phycological Congress, 25-30 August 2019, Zagreb

Abstract : Coastal tidal sediments are highly dynamic environments inhabited by phototrophic biofilms. These are dominated by microalgae, but are also characterized by high densities and biodiversity of protozoa, bacteria and invertebrates. The biofilms drive and modulate rapid carbon fluxes, which fuel the coastal food web. To quantify the contribution of the different organisms to these fluxes, we labelled a sandy and a muddy site in Baie de Bourgneuf (France) with inorganic carbon-13 in a pulse-chase experiment. The carbon flow was followed over several tidal cycles using RNA-Stable Isotope Probing and by measuring carbon-13 enrichment in fatty acids, meiofauna and macrofauna. At the same time, the diversity of the different trophic compartments was described in detail using SSU rDNA and RNA amplicon sequencing and microscopy. Primary production, respiration and the production of extracellular polymeric substances were also quantified. The inorganic carbon was rapidly taken up in both sites by the benthic microalgae after which it was also incorporated in the other organisms. The carbon-13 was almost completely lost in the sandy site after two tidal cycles, whilst it was still retained in the muddy sediment after five days, illustrating the pronounced difference in carbon flows between muddy and sandy sediments. The relationship between the carbon fluxes and the biodiversity of the biofilms will be presented in the poster.