First BIO-TIDE Meeting | Ghent

BIO-Tide meeting April 9-10th 2018, Ghent, Belgium

Location: Sterre campus, Krijgslaan 281, building S8 (map see at the end)

Participants: Koen Sabbe, Willem Stock (PAE-UGent), Tom Moens, An-Sofie D’Hondt (Marbiol, UGent), Bruno Jesus, Vona Méléder, Antoine Prins, Philippe Rosa, Johannes (Univ. Nantes), Emmanuelle Geslin (Univ. Angers), Cédric Hubas, Francis Orvain (BOREA)

Monday April 9th 2018

  • 8.45-9.00 : Welcome, coffee
  • 9.00-9.30 : Introduction (Koen Sabbe), update BIO-Tide, planning, etc.
  • 9.30-13.00 : Overview results 2017 campaign (WP1) and progress in other WPs
      1. General overview tasks (K Sabbe)
      2. UGent (W Stock, AS D’hondt)
      3. Nantes (B Jesus, V Méléder, A Prins)
      4. Coffe break
      5. MHNH (C Hubas)
      6. Lausanne (B Jesus, Johannes?)
  • 13.00-14.00 : Lunch
  • 14.00-15.00 : Caen (F Orain), Anger (E Geslin)
  • 15.00-17.30 : Discussion 2nd BIO-TIDE campaign
  • 19.00 : Dinner in Ghent (Pakhuis,

Tuesday April 10th 2018

  • 8.45-9.00 : Welcome, coffee
  • 9.00-9.30 : Administration, outreach, a.o.b
  • 9.30-13.00 : Continuation discussion 2018 campaign & planning other work packages
  • 13.00-14.00 : Lunch
  • 14.00-16.00 : Finalization discussions and wrap-up meeting