J.B Crabbs Library

(Banner image found on the web. Expected to change June 7th)

The J.B Crabbs Library was constructed in the 1960's, allowing students to either read or use its resorces.

J.B Crabbs- who was he??

J.B Crabbs was the longtime principal of Berea High. He didnt just serve as a principal; he also was a classroom teacher and a coach for football and baseball. He retired from BHS in 1961 after serving 34 years. Retirement didnt stop him, as he became the Mayor of Berea in 1964, only serving for one year. Mr. Crabbs died in 1990, but his legacy still lives on.

View from main doors

The main doors to the library are located in the 200's hallway, right in the middle.


The bookshelves were made out of maple.

The librarian desk

The first thing you see when you arrive at the library, the librarian desk features a high glass ceiling above it. The desk was made out of maple wood, and granite. It also wrapped around to the backside of the library.

The back

In the back, there were lots of tables with chairs, a wodden exit door, and 2 rooms off to the east side. There was also a high ceiling in the middle, where clocks told time from around the world. This photo showcases a painting to commemorate 9/11.

Multimedia Rooms

On the sides of the library, these three small rooms were perfect for doing (very quiet) research and recording. Old books lined the tiny shelves in each room.

Here are some more misc. photos!