
No photos of demolition will be posted here on the website. If you really want to see it, go to the Instagram (search bereahigharchive on instagram) .

Sadly, demolition began on the high school on August 18th, 2020. This is just a little over two months after the final walkthrough happened. It began with the Sports Center on August 18th, with all rubble picked up on August 25th. Then on August 19th, the pool and first part of the main gym were demolished, with the pool being completely gone on August 21st and the Main Gym on September 10th.

The first hallway to be demolished was the one connecting the cafeteria and Sports Center, which began on August 26th. August 27th saw the coming down of the 70’s addition, which was the last portion of the east side, with rubble being picked up on August 31st. Also on August 31st, the entire 50’s addition was demolished.

On September 8th was the first time the east side of the auditorium was seen in its entirety in 50+ years as the final portion of the main gym was demolished. September 10th saw the demolition of the cafeteria. September 17th saw the gargoyles on the east side of the auditorium taken down carefully. On September 21st, they took down the beautiful stonework in front of the west entrance carefully as well.

On October 2nd, the auditorium was demolished half of the way, with that finishing on October 17th. October 6th saw the gargoyle wall demolished (without the gargoyles on it). On October 7th the Art/Music hallways were demolished. The 60’s edition was next starting in October 13th and finishing on November 3rd. That was also the day we got to see the entire library tower. The old part of the school didn't see heavy demolition from the days of October 20th to November 5th. Heavy demolition of the old school began on November 10th with the south side and moving northbound. The west side of the school was demolished on November 11th. The final part of the school to be demolished was the library on November 12th, leaving only the clock tower until November 16th. Finally, the smoke stack was demolished on December 6th. Bricks from the school were available for pickup on May 1st and 2nd.