Hindu Art

Unit 8: South, East, and Southeast Asia

Historical Background

"Hindu" refers to those living on other side of the Indus River after the 13th century.  Hindus adhere to Vedas (sacred texts as early as 1700 BCE).  Henotheistic (worship of a single god but accepting other deities).

The fertile Indus and Ganges valleys were too great a temptation for outsiders, and thus the history of India has become a history of invasions and assimilations.  But those who invaded came to stay, and so Indian life today is a layering of disparate populations to create a cosmopolitian culture.  

There are 18 official languages in India - Hindi, the one foreigners think of as the national language, is spoken natively by only 20 percent of the population.  Geographically, India has enormous range as well, from the world's tallest mountains to vast deserts and tropical forests.  

Hindu Philosophies

Hindu Iconography


Preserver & protector

Restores balance of good and evil

Controls everything


Creator god

Epitome of knowledge

Supreme in triad



Associated with time

Connected to death and rebirth

"Nataraja" = lord of dance

The Four Purusharthas

Goal 1 - Artha : "Security"; Pursuit of wealth, prosperity, or material advantage.

Goal 2 - Kama: "Pleasure"; Achieve love, desire, and pleasure from cultural, personal, or romantic/sexual interests.

Goal 3 - Dharma: "Righteousness"; A universal order maintained through righteous living and rituals.

Goal 4 - Moksha: "Liberation";  The ultimate goal of the soul to achieve freedom from the cycle of life, death, and rebirth known as "samsara."  Moksha can be achieved while still living or after death, in which the person will rejoin the Supreme Being and attain divine level of understanding.

Hindu Swastika meaning "good fortune" and "happy" in Sanskrit.  A holy an auspicious symbol in Hinduism.

The Om = 3 letters (a, u, m) combined to make a sacred sound.  Considered to be the sound of the universe and all other vibrations manifest from it.

Hindu Sculpture

Hindu Architecture

Artwork List (* = in addition to 250)


Lakshmana Temple 

Shiva as Lord of Dance (Nataraja) 

Krishna and Radha in a Pavilion *

Southeast Asia

Angkor Wat (Cambodia)

Unit Vocabulary

DARSHAN - in Hinduism, the ability of a worshipper to see a deity and the deity to see the worshipper.

GARBHA GRIHA - a "womb chamber," the inner room in a Hindu temple that houses the god's image

MITHUNA - a popular icon in ancient Hindu art portrayed as a couple engaged in physical lovemaking.

MUDRA - a symbolic hand gesture in Hindu and Buddhist art.

PUJA - a Hindu prayer ritual.

SHIKARA - a bee-hive shaped tower on a Hindu temple.
