Activities for Feeling Words

Choose a Feeling word from the Mood Meter Quadrants and complete the activities below

If you have an idea for an activity, email Ms. Appleby at

Choose a feeling. Write a story about a time you had that feeling .You can also share a story with another person and then ask the following questions

■ How did the I feel?

■ How do you know I felt this way?

■ When was a time you felt the same way?

■ What did you do when you felt that way?

Choose a feeling from one of the Quadrants (Yellow, Green, Blue or Red). Draw a picture about a time you had the feeling. Make sure to include lots of details!

Read a story together. Then ask your child...

■ How did the character felt?

■ How do you know they felt this way?

■ When was a time you felt the same way?

■ What did you do when you felt that way?

Ask your child to imagine what she would do or say if they had a friend that was feeling _________ (scared, sad, mad, etc)

Pick a song that relates to a feeling. After the song ask these questions..

How did the song make you feel?

How do you know the artist felt this way?

When was a time you felt the same way?

What did you do when you felt that way?

Watch a Movie or a TV Show. Identify a feeling in what you chose to watch.

■ How did the character feel?

■ How do you know they felt this way?

■ What was your favorite part of the movie/show?

■ How did that part of the movie/show make you feel?

Create your own recovery area!

A recovery area is a special place in your home where you can go to calm down. Some suggestions for your recovery area;

  • A quiet, spot away from a busy part of the house

  • Use pillows, beanbag chairs, blankets

  • Have writing and drawing materials so you can reflect how you are feeling

  • Have books, squishy balls, small manipulative's to fidget with, stuffed animals, etc...

Choose a feeling and make a magazine collage about that feeling! Cut out pictures or words that remind you of that feeling!

Watch Inside Out!

Watch the Disney Pixar movie "Inside Out". This is a great movie that personifies feelings. Use this study guide to answer questions with your child that can help understand how feelings influence our thoughts and actions.

Inside Out Study Guide