Meta Moment
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom" ~ Viktor E. Frankl
Welcome to the Meta Moment! This tool is used to help you regulate your emotions. It helps students handle strong emotions so that they can make better decisions. It teaches students to pause and think before acting and consider how their ‘best self’ would react in the situation.
You can use this printable version of the Meta Moment Steps at home!
How to Use The Meta Moment at Home:
Know the Meta-Moment Steps: Knowing the steps will help you assist your student during triggering events
Step 1: Something happens - There is a triggering event. Ask your child to make a list of things that make her mad, upset, annoyed, frustrated, etc.
Step 2: Sense - How are you feeling? How does your body feel? Have your child make a list or draw a picture of how their body feels when they have those strong feelings.
Step 3: Stop - Before reacting, pause for a second to assess. Have your child make a list of positive self talk statements that she can say to herself to help her stop the strong feeling. This step is used to prevent them from doing or saying something harmful, or getting themselves in trouble.
Step 4: See your best self - Visualize your best self, use positive self-talk. Think about how your best self feels, act and thinks.
Step 5: Strategize - What would your best self do in this situation? What calm down strategies can I use? Help your child build their own recovery area (see Mood Meter page) and come up with a list of different calm down strategies she can use when she's upset.
Step 6: Succeed! - Reflect on the successful result, what made it successful? How can you use this knowledge next time you are triggered?
● Model the steps yourself when YOU are triggered
● Practice breathing exercises and positive self-talk BEFORE a triggering event occurs so that you know exactly what to do in the moment